The 2019 Variety Show

We had the grandest and most exciting opening yet to our Variety Show this year. At least 35 children (aged 9 to 14) who trained with Katina over several weeks, performed The Lion King with huge energy and obvious enjoyment. It was magnificent! Our Compere for the evening was the one and only, the inimical, Toby Turner who appeared in his many clownish guises, tirelessly keeping the show moving and filling all the gaps magnificently.

There was a good balance of serious and funny offerings this year, just as it should be. Our rich and varied programme included several gifted musicians of all ages: Michael Drake (Class 12) set a high standard with his guitar playing. Tamsin (Class 5) and Jessie (mother and daughter) played beautifully on violin and cello; Katy and Scarlett sang a beautiful song written by Katy, as did Sam and Joli. Maya Murphy (Class 4) played two delightful little piano pieces, and parents Scott and Eileen wowed us with a jazzy duet.

We were entertained by the miming partners Alan and Ben, some eye-popping magic by Mel and Jane, with magic helpers, Nina surprised us with some beautiful ballet – who even knew that she was a dancer? …although Toby could not resist trying to join in in his clod-hopping shoes, with his clumsy movements; but Nina would not be distracted and remained poised, beautiful and graceful to the end. A catchy little Spike Milligan poem ‘Happy’ was recited by Lucy; there was some awe-inspiring juggling by new parent Joel and a little jumping dog won our hearts (as they do!) A day in the office, with Liz and her team of helpers, exposed the standard of administration that keeps this school afloat – we actually saw children being found in the Lost Property box! God knows how long they had been in there!!  Then, to our complete surprise, the original Abba group miraculously appeared and rocked us through one of their most famous numbers. We were in awe, as you can imagine! There are always audience challenges and this year was no exception: we were delighted with Joel’s pancake challenge and enjoyed watching some poor teachers attempting to make balloon dogs. Oh dear!

The show was brought to a riotous end by our energetic young Lion King dancers, but not before Beaky the Owl and lastly, a very funny visit-to-the- movies sketch.

Thanks and thanks again to absolutely everyone who took part this year – both the brave performers, and those who worked behind the scenes – most notably our own Liz who roused everyone to action in the first place. We appreciate your wit, your playfulness and enthusiasm, and the time and energy you all gave – and were, once again, most royally entertained!

Christine Polyblank
(School Founder)


We are glowing at home with wonderful memories of the show – what talent, bravery and joy went into this glorious spectacle. Such a gift!

However, you may have noticed at the end of the show that I neglected to thank the team that pulls it all together, keeps it on track, keeps spirits up, makes sure the right things are in the right place at the right time, greets and feeds everyone at interval, supports the acts with their jitters and joys, set things up days before and clears away at the end. Most have done this eagerly year on year and there are also special thanks for our new additions to the team – you all know what you do:

Liz, Nigel, Nathan, Gerianke, Jane, Mel, Vanessa, Esbjorn, Jonnie, Jensen, Sonny, Theo, Hana, Olivia, Edwina, Lucinda.

Toby Turner
(School Parent) 

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