School News

by Yasmin Stephens

Class 11 History: Religious Conflicts

No-one living in the modern world can have escaped reading about, or even witnessing the escalations in religious intolerance, conflicts and disputes that have been happening in the world in recent years. In the Class 11 History main lesson in...
Class 10 leavers July 2012

Farewell to Friends – Class 10

Our Class 10 Leavers in July 2012 were: Florian Bright Grace Broughton Sebastian Coxon-Aristizabal Eszter Dolak Holly Harrison Sarah Hewland Benjamin Kirkman Eva Konczak Jenny Konig Brendan Liddiard Joseph Lynn William McGrotty Philip Morley Caroline Shallcross  Alicja Smith Ruby Steege...
Carole Broughton

Farewell to friends… Carole Broughton

As a school, we were sad to say goodbye to Carole Broughton, who was Willow Kindergarten teacher from 2005 to 2012. Prior to this, Carole was Kindergarten assistant to Kathy Bean while she did her Kindergarten teacher training. Carole has been involved with...

Solar Roof Project

Rising energy prices, climate change and energy security problems are challenges that affect us all. Most of the time we are confronted with negative and depressing news about this, but today we can bring you some very positive news! When...
Muhammad by Leah Gayer

The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire was founded in Asia Minor in the 11th century AD, and rose to become a formidable world power; the greatest Islamic empire the world has ever seen. In some ways it could be seen as a continuation...

Seahorses – Art with tranquility by the sea

Seahorses is a wonderful guest house with an art and craft studio in Freshwater on the Isle of Wight.  Our family group was aged between 12 and 80 years and we all loved our week’s stay at Seahorses on the Isle...
Juliet lies dead in the tomb

Romeo & Juliet – Class 10 Play

It was such a pleasure to see this delightful class, whose lessons I have visited over so many years, performing Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Under the guidance of their excellent English teacher, Nancy Urry, the two casts gave lively, warm,...
Class 10 trip to Sweden

Class 10 – Trip to Sweden

After they had put away their Romeo and Juliet costumes and struck the stage set, (read the Review) we sent Class 10 off to Sweden, on a Wilderness Expedition in the back-of-beyond. At the time of writing, they...
Model of Upper School extension

Fundraising Update June 2012

This had been another exciting year for fundraising, and we’re writing to thank our parents and friends for the time, enthusiasm and energy you have all so freely and generously given this year. Our regular annual events – bazaars, shows,...
History of Theatre

The History of Theatre – Class 9 Main Lesson

From the Ancient Greek Dionysian Rite through to the 17th Century, this main lesson covered the development of the Dramatic Arts in the West, charting the transition from sacred to secular and profane. Greek and Roman Drama, Mediæval Drama, Renaissance...