Class 10’s Newspaper Catwalk

Upper School Craft Block Newspaper Catwalk Tailoring Recycling

The Newspaper Catwalk

A Craft Block in Upper School

We used the Newspaper Catwalk Workshop as a starter for two of Class 10’s Craft blocks: Tailoring & Dressmaking and Blacksmithing.

Crafting 2 Dimensions into 3

During the workshop, the students investigated two areas relevant for the craft work;

  1. The process of developing three-dimensional objects out of two-dimensional sheets of material. We used newspaper, fabric and metal as examples here, but the process is relevant for all design and making projects.
  2. The environmental footprint of textile, metal or any other production of objects.

Newspaper was an obvious choice of material for our investigations – sustainable because recycled, easy and cheap to obtain, fuss-free to work with.

2-Hour Creative Challenge

The students worked in groups. Their task was:

To design and make a costume from newspaper to be worn on a catwalk in the school’s courtyard within 2 hours…

They took to this task with enthusiasm, creativity, confidence and determination. They then treated the school to a fabulous Friday afternoon fashion show! As a result, all of the classes spontaneously flocked together as an applauding audience.

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Repeating the Patterns

In the lessons to follow, we analysed the pattern-making principles the students had discovered and applied:

  • One part of the class developed their findings further in their Blacksmithing sessions with Ken Fanner from Ashington Forge in Wimborne. 
  • The Tailoring & Dressmaking group with Tanja Mergler embarked into research about the significant environmental impact of textile production. After exploring this in depth, they then got to work on their craft block Tailoring project: the design and realisation of a garment for a classmate, and, as a matter of course, made these from recycled material.

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