Variety Show 2018 Review
Our Variety Show 2018
Our Variety Show 2018 – It was loud, it was fun, it was bursting with energy – what a night! There was singing & dancing, puppets & miming, magic, competitions, gymnastics, a mad horse, a performing dog, moments of slapstick & moments of serenity and much more. Brave & lovely were the solo artists, delightful the family groups, energetic the cross-age groups (did you see the opening act?!), &, unexpectedly hilarious, the fathers’ & Trustees’ swimming gala! – in short, almost the whole school community was there being creative, having fun, laughing, eating & drinking, and simply being together.
Biggest thanks to our compere, the magnificent, the brilliant Toby, who, with his astonishing wit, verve and energy, held the whole show together from the front. Huge thanks next to the equally brilliant and no less magnificent Liz who did the same (but rather more quietly!) from the back! To all the other organisers and helpers back-&-front-and-side-of-stage, and to all the performers, both parents and children – goes a hearty ‘Thank You’ for entertaining us so enthusiastically. Our school community is strengthened and enriched by this annual event.
Christine Polyblank
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