Pedal Power! Me to We Fundraiser

Me to We sponsored bike ride by pupils of Ringwood Waldorf School in aid of Emmaus charity
Pedal power guides Ringwood Waldorf School’s help for homeless

Help for Emmaus

Children at a leading alternative school are getting on their bikes to help homeless people in the South.
Around 15 pupils are cycling from Ringwood Waldorf School to Poole Quay to raise funds for the Emmaus charity, a social enterprise community that offers homes, jobs and an entry back into society for anyone who has become homeless.
The party, accompanied by parents and teachers, will leave after the school day and cycle 16.7 miles mainly on off-road cycle paths including the Castleman Trailway.

Me to We sponsored bike ride by pupils of Ringwood Waldorf School in aid of Emmaus charity

School to Poole

The ‘School to Poole’ challenge, on Friday, 22 September, 2017, is the latest initiative of Ringwood Waldorf’s pupil fundraising group, Me to We, whose members, aged 11 and older, meet weekly to plan events and activities to help good causes.

Teacher Sandi Weir, who helps co-ordinate Me to We, said: “Every year the pupils decide on a local charity to support as well as an international cause. It’s really inspiring that they have chosen Emmaus locally, knowing that homelessness can happen to anyone through a change of circumstances. Emmaus do such great work in helping homeless people turn their lives around.”

It’s the second year in a row that the pupils have chosen to help Emmaus. Last year their international cause was the Stella Louise Orphanage in Nidamanaru, India, with cake sales and other activities raising £480. The group is still to decide on its international charity for this year.


If you would like to sponsor the bike ride please use this donation form.

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