Wish, Wonder & Surprise: Poems in Class 7

Wish, Wonder & Surprise… Creative Writing

Class 7 have been writing poems this term as part of their Creative Writing Main Lesson Block ‘Wish, Wonder and Surprise’. They are so lovely, we wanted to show them here:



by Ishbel Sinclair

Look at all the bluebells,
In the bluebell woods.
With their bright green stalks,
And their little purple hoods.

Underneath the big tall trees,
They cover the woodland floor.
And everywhere you look
You can see more and more.

Bluebells lovely bluebells,
So delicate and frail.
Welcoming the summer,
Over hill and over dale.

They nod their little bells like heads,
As the breeze blows through their core.
And they sparkle in the morning sun,
From the dew of the night before.

They are the emperors of the spring,
And therefore all must know.
They cannot be forgotten,
And will forever come and go.

One and all

By Octavia Spinney

‘Why hello there Mr Raven’
Said the little wren.
‘The weather’s getting warmer,
and spring has come again.

There is Mrs Kingfisher,
Catching little fish.
And there is cheeky Magpie,
Stealing a silver dish.

Look at the little bluebells,
Swinging in the breeze.
And the darling little starlings,
Singing in the trees.

And look at Mr Otter,
Splashing in, and out of streams.
And there’s the sly old adder,
Basking in sunbeams.

Look at the strong green ivy,
Growing up the wall.
And all the beautiful creatures,
No matter big or small.

And there’s the small brown weasel,
Clever, cunning and sly.
And the tall majestic heron,
Flying in the sky.

So you see now Mr Raven,
These creatures big and small.
Must all go in this poem,
Written for one and all!


By Holly Iggulden

I wish I was a dandelion,
Swaying to and fro.
In a lovely meadow,
Where more flowers here will grow.

I would watch a bubbly river,
Flowing with the breeze.
And a raven, wren and magpie,
Flying through the trees.

I could see the ivy, fern and heather,
Growing in the sun.
And all the creatures coming out,
For spring has just begun.

As spring begins to turn to summer,
My petals they will drop.
And out from beneath my golden barrel,
Appears a dandelion-clock.

I now have seeds instead of petals,
All fluffy like the snow.
And now I know my time is up,
And I will have to go.

So with my brothers and my sisters.
I’ll spiral down to earth,
For now the cycle starts again,
Here comes a brand new birth!

The Magpie

By Joseph Jawad

Magpie is a bird, which takes advantage of his wings,
He swoops down and takes,
Hundred and million of things.

Always keep your keys,
Within your touching distance.
Or he’ll be there before you,
Without a slightest resistance.

Look out for the spoon,
Stuck in your delicious stew.
As he approaches with great interest,
To give it a good chew.

Anyone who passes him says,
“Hello Mr Magpie”, for some stupid reason.
It’s just as weird as the word treason.

With feathers so black and white,
And invisible at twilight.
Just like cartoon robbers,
Neither very bright.

If he was the size of a tennis ball,
He would get through your window small.
Eyeing out your belongings,
Either big or small.

Despite of being a cheeky one,
He teaches us good lessons.
Let our greed be brief and joy be long,
Instead of counting our possessions.

Willow sees all and everything!

By Martha Coombes

The willow sees all and everything!
The acorn, the otter, the raven,
The dangling branches make a small rippling,
As the heron flies over skies, so dazzling.

The willow sees all and everything!
The magpies looking, searching,
The starlings flying and chirping.
The tulips, bluebells and bees buzzing.

The willow sees all and everything!
The swaying and bending,
The children laughing and playing.
The adder slithering and sliding.

The willow sees all and everything!
The heather rustling,
The ivy climbing,
The lark singing.

The willow sees all and everything!
There it is standing,
Never flinching,
There it stays year after year all seeing all knowing.



By Woodley Jones

I was going down the lane,
When I felt a sudden pain.
A plant had caught me on the shin,
A spiky bramble scraggly and thin.

Its sharp brown thorns,
Its dark green leaves.
It had some blackberries on it too,
All purple and full of goo.

Brambles grow in forests green,
And in cities can be seen.
Its long dark tentacles out it pokes,
Waiting for unwary folks.

For this malicious plant you see,
Is really as cruel as cruel can be.
Many creatures live inside,
And some lizards in it hide.

Brambles make a perfect wall,
And through the tunnels you can crawl.
That’s all on brambles I have to say,
And I hope none come in my way.

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