Class 11 in London

Class 11’s current Main Lesson investigates modernism an artistic period beginning with Romanticism and gave birth to such art movements as Impressionism, Dada, Expressionism, Bauhaus and Surrealism, and saw artistic achievements by Goya, Courbet, Manet, Degas, Klimt, Picasso, Kandinsky and Klee to name a few.

We visited Tate Britain, Tate Modern and the National Gallery. The National Gallery was a trip missed by the current Class 11 last year and they were pleased to discover the Renaissance and Baroque artists from their studies of the Class 10 History of Art Main Lesson. They were photographed in front of Botticelli’s Venus and Mars, and artwork they re-created in their egg tempera art lessons.

Venus (Aphrodite) and Mars (Ares) daughter was Harmonia who was the goddess of harmony and concord, presided over both marital harmony, soothing strife and discord, and harmonious action of soldiers in war.

Outside Tate Britain
Venus and Mars blackboard
Ringwood Venus and Mars
In front to Botticelli’s Venus and Mars in the National Gallery

OSN #2 The Roloff-Standring Family

By Liz | 10 February 2017


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OSN #1 Laurence Couch & Liam Callebout

By Liz | 29 January 2017

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By | 7 September 2016

[pl_raw][pl_video type=”vimeo” id=”178380415″][/pl_raw] Ex-pupil Caitlin Parks is involved in fundraising Please look at the link for more information: Caitlin’s crowdfunding…

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Child care in the afternoons.

By | 7 September 2016

Dear Parents, In order to support families who need extra child care in the afternoons, Ringwood Waldorf School will now…

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Exam Results 2016

By | 25 August 2016

Congratulations to students and teachers at RWS! 55% of those who took English were graded A or A* and of…

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